Friday, February 4, 2011

Ethan and the Discharge

Sleep was abundant last night as far as a hospital goes.  Annalyn and Ethan woke up in good spirits which were enhanced as doctors began speaking the best "D" word in a hospital vocabulary, "Discharge." Ethan was a little slow this morning trying to make a decision on breakfast but he eventually settled for french toast.  The room service was a little slow this morning as well.  They were substantially late for breakfast so Ethan started with a bowl of cereal the nurses had in the break room.  In addition to bringing the breakfast for lunch, room service doubled parts of his lunch order because the speech pathologist needed food for his final swallow test.

Ethan had another opportunity to play in the Forever Young playroom which wore him out.  He passed all his final tests and was approved to be discharged.  

Our final instructions were to be PATIENT!  This can be difficult for a family whose children only seem to have one gear, running, but I'm sure we'll make due,  The next few weeks and couple of months are critical to make sure both feet are planted and he doesn't bump that head again.  Two feet on the ground is the saying.  No biking, climbing, contact sports, sledding, scooter, running, polo, cricket, etcetera. We also have to stay close to him around the house especially going up and down stairs as well as meal time.

The next few weeks are going to be an adventure.  We have the opportunity to meet many new people.  Moving forward we'll probably just update you after doctor's appointments or major advances.  We will also be posting other non-related fun we've had in the past decade.  Until this accident we were not the best at posting. So, those that have been reading we again thank you for your love and prayers. If you're interested in the rest of our posts you're welcome to keep on reading.  If not check back now and again and catch up with our boy wonder.


1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODBNESS!!!! I just read all of the posts. What a horrible thing to go through, but thank goodness he is doing so well! Please let us know if there is ever anything we can do to help.
