Sunday, June 6, 2010

2010 Highlights Dobb World of Sports

Ellie started softball for the first time this year, and as it happened that her age group is now the machine pitch, so she really jumped in with both feet first.  Well, actually her mouth first, she started the first practice by getting hit twice in the mouth with the ball.  She wasn't so sure she wanted to continue after that, but she stuck with her team the rest of the season and seemed to enjoy it a little. Especially when they won.
Even when it got kind of cold

She loves saying hi and smiling for all her adoring fans.....

I was going to add her team photo when I got it scanned in, and that's why I had not posted this, but now it's been moved somewhere, so if I find it I will add it here.

Ethan was very excited to start T-ball this year and especially with his friends Evan and James
Ethan is in this instructional league where the start by learning the basics and practicing the skills each week, instead of really playing a game.
Ethan was the one who wanted to pull his socks all the way up.  He's getting some batting pointers from his coach.
These guys just love to take pictures.... not!!

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