When Annalyn was growing up it was tradition to do a hike to the "M" on the mountain. It hasn't always happened every year since we've gotten older, but our kids were really excited to be able to do it. Especially because they love to be able to carry their own water
We took the backpack for Seth to ride in if he got too tired, but he never wanted to. It was a motivation for him to keep going. We'd offer, well if you're too tired we can just put you in the backpack, but he'd say no, no, I can do it, and keep plodding along. It's several steep hills, but he did it the whole way !!!
We made it !!!! But it's definitely more windy than when we started. It's kind of fun to remind the kids that Grandma Miller was in the class that created the M. Their class carried up the bags of cement and water to make the cement to make the M, and then every year after that they would have to go up and white wash or paint the cement to keep it nice and white.
Ethan decided that he could see the flag up higher, this really steep hill, and he wanted to go up there, well since it was so windy, we couldn't let him go alone, he might get blown over, it was getting that windy. So we all went.