Bear Lake Vacation
We decided to take a quick vacation just after Ellie was out of school. We booked a condo in Bear Lake, because it's always been a relaxing time when there. This time was a little different, it was relaxing, but VERY wet. The weather wasn't very sunny till we drove out of town, it was either raining or just absent of rain. We did enjoy ourselves, just differently than we'd originally planned.
On Sunday, We started by carrying all the stuff in and getting settled. Seth wanted to be helpful in carrying stuff in, and he was so thrilled to do it all by himself,
The next day Steve took Ellie for her first golf game with her own set of clubs. The clubs were Steve's when he was little.( I think that's cool !!!)
While they were gone, Ethan really wanted to play tennis, so we went on our first of MANY trips to the clubhouse, good thing it was close, and we got some rackets and balls, and attempted our version of tennis... here are some fun pictures.
Later on we played twister. Mom and Ellie also got all twisted up, and lasted much longer, but the best ( er... only) pictures were from Steve and Ethan
After that we went to explore at the KOA and decided impulsively to go on a bike ride all together, in this small surrey ( this picture is just before we left). It didn't last long, the cover above us was full of water due to a lot of rain earlier that day, we found this out a little later when we hit a small bump and cold water started dripping down Steve's back, well, he reached up to let the water out the back, but it unfortunately also went out the front... on Ethan, who had chosen not to grab his jacket, he was then very cold and VERY wet !!

We turned around and they gave us a raincheck to come back the next day, which we were extremly grateful because a few minutes after getting back in the van it started to pour.... again!!!!! To cheer everyone up we went to the Bear Lake Pizza Company to enjoy dinner, and especially the sweet treats aftwerwards from the Chocolate Bear. Steve's favorite is the fudge, I like the pretzels dipped in caramel and chocolate and then butterfinger candy. The kids like the chocolate dipped rice krispies with sprinkles. Yum Yum... doesn't it make your mouth water.
Tuesday morning Steve went on a 50 mile bike ride around the lake early that morning. We enjoyed some more tennis and later on it cleared up a little, so we actually took our hour surrey bike ride.... and it was very enjoyable, even though the bike only has one gear, and thus a limit on your speed. Here are a couple of pictures from our second ride.
Seth liked to help drive, even though this steering wheel didn't actually control your direction ...I don't think he really knew that...?
After that we headed to the park to try and enjoy the break in the rain. The kids loved the new additions since we'd last been here...
They both loved conquering the rope pyramid and the new climbing wall...
And then racing Dad to the top
While Seth enjoyed making his own little swing
Seth was always looking for what was around the next curve.....
After that we went to enjoy shakes at Granny's and it's just too fun to eat in the covered wagon.... just before the downpour we had to run through to leave the wagon......!!!!!
On Wednesday we spent a lot of time in the pool, because it was again pouring. But we were glad the pool was inside and heated, and a ton of fun.
Seth loves the warmer water

Ethan was so excited. He said, "Mom I can be out in the middle and not touching anything !!" (He loves having his life vest.)

Steve had fun racing Ellie and the prize was dunking Ellie a few times, her decision...
They all loved climbing on dad !!
Mom was in the pool all morning, but we went back again in the afternoon and she took all the pictures... keeping the camera dry and still working...yeah!!!!!!
We all LOVED the hot tub, which wasn't overly hot, but still very nice !!!
Ethan loved squirting people, especially dad. Seth loved watching !!
After dinner that night we all enjoyed brownies, but from this picture it's hard to tell if they would enjoy the finished product more than then enjoyed licking the bowl........ mom didn't enjoy when the bowl fell and smashed into many pieces though...

Something that we did almost everyday, usually during Seth's nap was watch movies from the clubhouse. The kids loved it, and it was something to do while it was pouring rain outside.
We also played quite a few games, and dad had fun with other toys... er objects...
Thursday afternoon we hoped the weather would hold out to visit the beach. It was still cold, so no swimsuits, but Ellie wanted to find a seashell ( we knew it'd be small) for a friend.
We ventured out, and they got very wet while in their clothes.
This was a cute video of them walking along and Seth following Ellie's example
We got cleaned up... aka more wet less sand using the outdoor shower, then went back to the condo and got dry clean clothes and went over to the jumping pillow and the park next to it.

Seth's favorite way to bounce was sitting in mom's lap, but he enjoyed it this way at first.
It's fun to just jump and be free and flying !!!!!

Seth also liked sitting at the bottom edge.... who knows why
...maybe safer..?
The playground was just as inviting as the jumping, and Seth again wants to be just like his siblings, by running a fast food place. Here he was trying to hand me something that I "ordered".
Even Steve got in on the fun. He said it was a stress reliever and very relaxing to keep digging deeper in the sand.....
And who doesn't love a teeter totter... they had fun doing it all together.
Ethan loved that they let him try out several of the different bikes, and he actually got pretty good at this one, even though it looks way too big.
Another successful family vacation